Here is latest email as latest news received by EthanolB's aka BestEthanol's members:
Dear Investors,
Most Investment program's in the Internet fail. EthanolB wants to make sure such things not happen to Investors and to the EthanolB business. We choose a course where investors and the EthanolB team ending up satisfied.
Don't worry this is not a running out of money email.
On 01.10.2010 EthanolB does not accept new members anymore.
On 10.10.2010 EthanolB does delete all inactive members.
On 01.11.2010, EthanolB does not accept new deposits anymore.
Every investor receive daily payments of 0.4%-2.2%, until he reaches 180% of the initial investment. An 80% benefits and the initial investment. The last person to achieve this amount should be recorded by May 2011 or earlier.
Yours faithfully