Friday, December 24, 2010

FinFunds and Tetra Metals Scam

I regularly visit several HYIP forums, HYIP blogs and HYIP monitors to keep myself updated. and here is latest update for this week.

The last programs that have been discovered as scam HYIP and selective payers HYIP for this week are: FinFunds and Tetra Metals – FinFunds has been demoted to the problem status,since yesterday.

Most of them are listed or marked with paying status on different monitoring sites and some large HYIP forums. So, please be careful with those scam HYIP!.

Also Please Do Not Trust HYIP Recovery Offers like recovery offers from Funds Recover (, Hyip Fund Recover,,, etc.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

MetalicFund News

MetalicFund is paying effectively and attracting more investors each day. Though I tend to doubt that the stats given by the admin of the program Irvan are not inflated as having over 1,000 members in a brief-time period program presently (After six days on-line) is unlikely there is no such thing as a doubt that usually we can name MetalicFund a successful program. But there's a growing level of recognition and well defined by the big variety of cost processors (including STP and AlertPay) accepted by this system and the comparatively sustainable brief to medium term plans which will help them run longer.

MetalicFund is paying 10% for 12 days (principal included) and 5% for 45 days (principal back).

The latest newsletter from MetalicFund is being published below:
Today you would be fed with the progress and status of MetalicFund, So far until today our enterprise is doing well with a
Total Member: 1020
Total Investors: 893
Total Investment: $44,098.49
Payout Processed: $29,999.00
Withdrawal Commission Earned: $5,985.84
Our project was reviewed on MoneyNewsOnline :
Paying Status:
We are on a paying status by all monitors as we constantly process payment for all members on a per seconds basis. If you are paid it would be fair enough to let everyone know this is a paying and safe project to partner with by simple posting your payment proofs on forums.
MetalicFund offers two payment plans, the first pays 10% of you investment daily for a period of 12Days while the second pays 5% Daily for a period of 45Days after which your initial deposit is returned, compounding is allowed on all plans and MetalicFund allows deposit through all popular payment processors (SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, Alertpay and GlobalDigitalPay. )
Thanks for supporting MetalicFund
Irvan Smith. Precious Metal Trading Expert.